Positivity, Teamwork, Impact!

Positivity, Teamwork, Impact!

The Hetrick Center and its staff believe in and work to emulate these 3 qualities – spreading positivity, sharing in a winning team mindset, and having impact.

Spread Positivity

In the world today it can be so easy to focus on ourselves and our own personal problems. Everyone has times when negative thoughts and emotions take over and control us. These continued thoughts can cause additional stress, anger, and frustration which not only affect ourselves, but can infect those around you. One way to combat this is to spread positivity to others. Positive thoughts and actions can actually change the way our brains function! Continued positive self talk can help improve your mood and mental health. Being kind and positive to others can help you feel genuinely more happy and joyful. If you aren’t sure where to start, think of three things you are thankful for today, if one of them is a person then tell them or you can give someone a smile and/or a genuine compliment, we all love to hear that we did a good job or that someone likes our shirt. Little changes grow into big ones. Kindness is a universal language that transcends barriers. Spread love, compassion, and positivity wherever you go, and watch the world transform! The Hetrick Center team spreads positivity to each other and to all of you on a daily basis.

Sharing in a Winning Team Mindset

We all remember those group projects from highschool and/or college, you know the ones that only half the group ever participated in. If you are from the half that did all the work, then you know how important teamwork is. Working together collectively, as a team, can make or break a project, an event, and even a company. Everyone has their own set of unique and special talents. Coming together as a team, and allowing everyone to use their personal strengths, is what makes a great team. Good teamwork can produce more productivity, increase personal and professional growth, decrease stress or the risk of burnout, and makes happier employees overall. When we come together and share the workload not only does the company and its employees succeed, but we are also able to provide better care for our patients. The providers at The Hetrick Center work together to offer each patient a specialized treatment plan based on their personal needs. The administration and billing teams at The Hetrick Center work together to go above and beyond a lot of other healthcare practices to provide better customer service, quicker appointment scheduling, and providing insurance benefit information.

Having Impact

Why is having an impact important? Everyone wants to do something that they will be remembered for. Having a positive impact helps fulfill the basic human desire to leave a legacy and make a difference in the world. Impact can be had at so many levels – parenting a child, leading a team, raising money and awareness for a charity, owning a company, helping your elderly neighbor shovel snow, running our state or country, etc. There is no such thing as having an impact too small, one thing that could seem insignificant to you, can change an entire person’s life. Try looking for opportunities to do some small acts of kindness for those around you – lend a listening ear, bring a new mom or sick friend a meal, pick up trash on the sidewalk, or post something positive and upbeat on social media. The staff of The Hetrick Center care about each other and our patients. Some of the things they have done include helping patients change a tire on the side of the road or jump their car in the parking lot, working through lunch to see a patient that is having pain, taking a sick coworker medicine and food, helping someone understand their insurance benefits, driving a coworker to the airport, and many community/charity events.